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Standards / How Deep Is The Ocean |
How much do I love you? |
Quanto ti amo? |
How many times a day do I think of you? |
Quante volte al giorno io penso a te? |
How far would I travel |
Quanto lontano dovrei viaggiare |
And if I ever lost you, how much would I
cry? |
E se io dovessi mai perderti, quanto piangerei? |
How far would I travel |
Quanto lontano dovrei viaggiare |
And if I ever lost you, how much would I cry? |
E se io dovessi mai perderti, quanto piangerei? |
Note |
Gli standards a confronto di Musica & Memoria |
Willow Weep For Me (Ann Ronell) - Diana Krall vs Dexter Gordon |
How Deep is the Ocean (Irving Berlin) - Claire Martin vs Bill Evans Trio |
Darn That Dream (Jimmy Van Heusen) - Lena Horne vs Dexter Gordon |
I Thought About You (Jimmy Van Heusen) - Johnny Hartman vs Miles Davis |
But Not For Me (George & Ira Gershwin) - Chris Connor vs John Coltrane |
Love Letters (Heyman, Young) - Diana Krall vs Kenny Drew Trio |
Speak Low (Kurt Weill, Ogden Nash) |
© Musica & Memoria Gennaio 2016 / Testo originale di Irving Berlin (vedi Disclaimer) / Copia per usi commerciali non consentita |
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PUBLISHED IMAGES - The contents of this non-profit site are free, the site has the aim of spreading the culture of music and the images are complementary to the texts for educational, critical and discussion purposes, as required by current Italian law 633/41 on the regulation of copyright (art.70 of Chapter V - Free uses). For non-original images inserted, a copyright restriction has not been identified in good faith. If they are under copyright without our knowledge, it is possible to report it to the webmaster who will promptly remove them, if requested. For detailed information see the DISCLAIMER |