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Leonard Cohen - Story Of Isaac |
The door it opened
slowly, |
La porta si aprì
lentamente |
He said, "I've
had a vision |
Disse: "Ho
avuto una visione |
Well, the trees
they got much smaller, |
Bene, gli alberi
erano diventati molto più piccoli |
Thought I saw an
eagle |
Credetti di vedere
un'aquila |
You who build
these altars now |
Voi che costruite
questi altari ora |
You who stand
above them now, |
Voi che adesso
state sopra di loro |
And if you call me
brother now, |
E se adesso mi
chiamate fratello |
When it all comes
down to dust |
Quando tutto sarà
ridotto in polvere |
And mercy on our
uniform, |
E abbi pietà
della nostra uniforme |
Tweet |
Note |
La canzone fa parte dell'album "Songs From A Room" del 1969. Tutti i testi di Leonard Cohen, assieme a molte altre notizie si trovano
sull'eccellente sito ufficiale
del poeta e musicista canadese. |
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PUBLISHED IMAGES - The contents of this non-profit site are free, the site has the aim of spreading the culture of music and the images are complementary to the texts for educational, critical and discussion purposes, as required by current Italian law 633/41 on the regulation of copyright (art.70 of Chapter V - Free uses). For non-original images inserted, a copyright restriction has not been identified in good faith. If they are under copyright without our knowledge, it is possible to report it to the webmaster who will promptly remove them, if requested. For detailed information see the DISCLAIMER |