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There were three men came out of the
West, their fortunes for to try |
C'erano tre uomini che venivano da
occidente, per tentare la fortuna |
They've let him lie for a very long time,
'til the rains from heaven did fall |
lo lasciarono giacere per un tempo molto
lungo, fino a che scese la pioggia dal cielo |
They've hired men with their scythes so
sharp to cut him off at the knee |
Loro avevano assoldato uomini con falci
veramente affilate per tagliargli via le gambe |
They've hired men with their crabtree
sticks to cut him skin from bone |
Assoldarono uomini con bastoni uncinati
per strappargli via la pelle dalle ossa |
The huntsman he can't hunt the fox nor so
loudly to blow his horn |
Il cacciatore non può suonare il suo
corno così forte per cacciare la volpe |
Note |
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Tradizionale. © Traduzione Alberto Maurizio Truffi 2001 / Revisioni: giugno 2010 (traduzione riveduta e corretta) |
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PUBLISHED IMAGES - The contents of this non-profit site are free, the site has the aim of spreading the culture of music and the images are complementary to the texts for educational, critical and discussion purposes, as required by current Italian law 633/41 on the regulation of copyright (art.70 of Chapter V - Free uses). For non-original images inserted, a copyright restriction has not been identified in good faith. If they are under copyright without our knowledge, it is possible to report it to the webmaster who will promptly remove them, if requested. For detailed information see the DISCLAIMER |