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Adriano Celentano - Napoleone, il cowboy e lo Zar (1968)




Strano questo sogno
Ero in una cittą
Da un palazzo di vetro
Esce un cowboy
Dal fiume Volga esce lo zar.
Napoleone scende
A cavallo della torre Eiffel
Scende, scende a cavallo
Dalla torre Eiffel
Lą sulla piazza sono in tre
Ognuno vuole la cittą per se,
Quei tre,
Hanno l'odio nel cuor
Che mai succederą.

E' un ora di paura
E la gente lo sa
C'č chi piange con me
C'č chi prega perché
La decisione č in mano a quei tre.

Fredde facce di cera
Che non parlano pił
In quel triangolo c'č
La nostra vita che,
Oscilla appesa al cuore dei tre.

Napoleone butta il cannone
Dritto sul cowboy
E c'č una lunga lama
Che brilla in mano dello zar
E la pistola del cowboy
Ha completato quella scena a tre,
Chissą, chissą se domani per noi,
Il sole splenderą.

Il cielo blu si fa nero
E la guerra verrą
Ma ad un tratto dall'alto
In mezzo al nero che c'č
Si accende un raggio sopra quei tre
Viene da una finestra
Quello sguardo d'amor
E su quella cittą
Vestito in bianco c'č
Un uomo che la pace porterą.

Di gioia piange tutta la gente
Che felicitą
Salva č finalmente tutta la cittą

Non sono nemici pił quei tre,
E la paura se ne va
Chissą, chissą se il mio sogno potrą
Cambiare la realtą.
Chissą se il mio sogno potrą
Cambiare la realtą.


Adattamento italiano: Luciano Beretta, Miki Del Prete


Bill Haley and the Comets - Thirteen Women (And Only One Man In Town) (1954)


Last night I was dreaming,
Dreamed about the H-bomb,
Well, the bomb went off,
And I was caught,
I was the only man underground.

There was a thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
Thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
And as funny as it may be,
The one and only man in town was me,
Well, thirteen women,
And me the only man around.

I had two gals every morning,
Seeing that I was well fed,
And believe you me,
One sweetened my tea,
While another one buttered my bread.
Two gals gave me my money,
Two gals made me my clothes,
And another sweet thing,
Bought me a diamond ring,
About forty carets, I suppose.

Well, thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
There was a thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
There was something I can't forget,
Because I think of those,
Thirteen women and yet,
Well, thirteen women,
And only one man around.

I had three girls dancing the mambo,
Three girls balling the jack,
And all the rest really did their best,
Boy, they sure were a lively pack,
I thought I was in heaven,
And all of these angels were mine,
But I woke up and I ended the dream,
Cause I had to get to work on time.

Well, thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
There was a thirteen women,
And only one man in town,
No, I can't tell you where I've been,
Cause I kinda think that someday,
I'll go back again,
To those thirteen women,
And me the only man around.


Autore: Dickie Thompson


Musica & Memoria Maggio 2014 / Testi originali riprodotti per soli scopi di ricerca e critica musicale (vedi Disclaimer) / Copia per usi commerciali non consentita



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