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Nucleus & Ian Carr - Discografia completa |
Gruppo |
Album |
Anno |
Label |
Nucleus |
1970 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1970 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1971 |
Vertigo |
Ian Carr & Nucleus |
1972 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1973 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1973 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1974 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1975 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1975 |
Vertigo |
Nucleus |
1977 |
Capitol |
Nucleus |
1979 |
Capitol |
Nucleus |
1980 |
Mood |
(Ian Carr's) Nucleus |
1985 |
Mood |
Ian Carr Feat. Nucleus |
1988 |
NUCLEUS - Elastic Rock |
NUCLEUS - We'll Talk About It Later |
NUCLEUS - Solar Plexus |
Karl Jenkins (ob/bs/elp/p) Brian Smith (ts/ss/fl) Chris Spedding (g/bouzouki) Jeff Clyne (b/cb) John Marshall (d) with Kenny Wheeler (tpt/flghn) Harry Beckett (tpt/flghn) Tony Roberts (ts/bcl) Ron Matthewson (b) Chris Karan (pc) Keith Winter (syn) Registrato : dicembre 1970 - Localitą : London (Trident) - Produttore : Pete King Edizione: 1971 (Vertigo) |
IAN CARR & NUCLEUS - Belladonna |
Ian Carr (tpt/flghn) Brian Smith (s/fl) Allan Holdsworth (g) Dave MacRae (elp) Gordon Beck (elp) Roy Babbington (b) Clive Thacker (d) Trevor Tomkins (pc) Registrato : luglio 1972 Edizione: 1972 (Vertigo) |
NUCLEUS - Labyrinth |
![]() |
1.Origins (11:24) |
2. Bull-Dance (2:49) | |
3. Ariadne (6:47) | |
4. Arena (5:19) | |
5. Exultation | |
6. Naxos (18:33) | |
Time: 44:52 |
Ian Carr (tpt/flhn) |
NUCLEUS - Under The Sun |
Ian Carr (tpt/flhn) Bob Bertles (as/bs/bcl/fl) Gordon Beck (elp/pc) Geoff Castle (elp/syn) Jocelyn Pitchen (g) Ken Shaw (g) Roger Sutton (b) Bryan Spring (d) Kieran White (voc) Registrato : Mar 1974 - Localitą : Phonogram Studios, London - Produzione : Fritz Fryer Edizione: 1974 (Vertigo) |
NUCLEUS - Roots |
Ian Carr (tpt) - Brian Smith (ts/ss/fl/bfl) - Dave MacRae (elp/p) - Jocelyn Pitchen (g) - Roger Sutton (b) - Clive Thacker (d) - Aureo De Souza (pc) - Joy Yates (voc) Registrato : agosto 1973 - Localitą : Phonogram Studios - Produzione : Fritz Fryer Edizione: 1973 (Vertigo) |
NUCLEUS - Snakehips Etcetera |
Ian Carr (tpt/fghn/p/pc) - Bob Bertles (as/ss/bs/fl/voc/pc) - Ken Shaw (g/12str/pc) - Geoff Castle (kb/pc) - Roger Sutton (b/pc) - Roger Sellers (d/pc) Registrazione : data non conosciuta - Localitą : Phonogram Studios, London - Produzione : Jon Hiseman Edizione: 1975 (Vertigo) |
NUCLEUS - Alleycat |
Ian Carr (tpt/fghn/syn) - Bob Bertles (as/ss/bs/fl) - Ken Shaw (g) - Geoff Castle (kb/pc) - Roger Sutton (b) - Roger Sellers (d) - Trevor Tomkins (pc) Registrazione : (data non conosciuta) - Localitą : Phonogram Studios, London - Produzione : Jon Hiseman Edizione: 1975 (Vertigo) |
Ian Carr (tpt/fghn/elp) - Brian Smith (ts/ss/pc) - Geoff Castle (elp/syn) - Billy Kristian (b) - Roger Sellers (d) Registrato : Feb 1977 - Localitą : Dren (Germania) - Produzione : Ian Carr/Kurt Renker Edizione: 1977 (Capitol) |
1. Goen With the Weed (Carr) Ian Carr (tpt/fghn/elp) - Brian Smith (ts/ss/fl/afl/pc) - Geoff Castle (elp/syn) - Billy Kristian (b) - Roger Sellers (d) - Neil Ardley (syn) - Richard Burgess (pc) - Chris Fletcher (pc) Registrato : Nov 1978 - Localitą : Abbey Road Studios, London - Produzione : Ian Carr & Nucleus/John Dixon Edizione: 1979 (Capitol) |
Chucho Merchan (b) - Nic France (d/pc) Recorded Matrix Studios, London, Sep.1980 Producer Ian Carr and Nucleus Edizione: 1980 (Mood) |
Dawn Choruses (Carr) 2. Bouquets Pour Ma Belle (Carr) 3. For Miles And Miles (Carr) 4. Easy Does It Now (Carr) 5. Something for Mr Jelly Lord (Carr) Formazione: Ian Carr (tpt/fghn) - Phil Todd (s) - Mark Wood (g/g-syn) - Dill Katz (b) - John Marshall (d/pc) Registrazione : 1985 - Localitą : Stuttgart - Recorded Live at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Germany, 6 Apr 1985 Edizione: 1985 (Mood) |
Mo Foster (b) - John Marshall (d) - Steve Berry (cb) - Kreisler String Orchestra Registrato : Apr-Mag 1988 - Localitą : Jon Hiseman's Studio/Abbey Road, London - Produzione : Jon Hiseman Edizione: 1988 (EMI) [CD: MMC] |
© Alberto Truffi - Musica & Memoria 2001-2003 |
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